Finally, a book that redemptively addresses LGBTQ issues from a historical biblical perspective and without a hint of self-righteousness.

If conservative Christians are looking for a book to bash LGBTQ; if LGBTQ are looking for a book to rattle the cage of conservative Christians, you won’t find it here.

Author Tim Wilkins holds back nothing – relating how as a teenager he thought he might be trans and describing his raw loneliness – how he often fell asleep – holding his own hand.


  • The Understandable Failure Of “Conversion Therapy”
  • Is the Church Outsourcing God’s Work?
  • The Phenomenon of “Self-Silencing”
  • Obliterating the “Choice” Argument
  • Why “Praying the Gay Away” Misses the Point
  • “Inclusion” Acknowledges Those with Unwanted Attractions
  • Why the “Adam and Steve” Sneer is Neither Funny nor Helpful

MORE THAN WORDS is for LGBTQ+, counselors, pastors on all sides of the issue, professors, theologians, and notably parents – who have gotten a bad rap. Read a mother’s powerful “Why can’t I tell you?” (Chapter 1) Like so many, Wilkins dismisses “conversion therapy”, but for a different reason. (Chapter 5)

Don’t expect MORE THAN WORDS to say what everyone else says. The advice often given to LGBTQ is counterproductive. Stop telling a gay man to, “marry a nice girl and everything will work out.” Don’t suggest a teenage girl considering hormone therapy for gender dysphoria start wearing frilly dresses. Though there’s nothing wrong with her doing so, such advice misses the point and could increase her anxiety. Cease telling a gay woman she needs to “convert to heterosexuality” and never again tell a homosexual they chose to be gay.  MORE THAN WORDS obliterates the “choice” argument with surgical precision (Chapter 7) and insists persons ask forgiveness from their gay friends for insisting otherwise.

MORE THAN WORDS – the book – is the culmination of Wilkins’ 1-day conference he has taught to thousands across the US and beyond. Tim has spoken in Great Britain, The Netherlands, and Hong Kong; for the Billy Graham Association; been interviewed by Bill Maher; appeared on radio/TV and written for Christian Post, Baptist Press, and Preaching Magazine among others. His articles have been translated into various languages.

Why have The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Times, and Religion News Service featured/quoted Tim? Because he is a relentless and redemptive voice on issues surrounding the LGBTQ community and the Church while speaking from a historic biblical perspective and as one who used to engage in homosexuality. Tim can articulate a conservative biblical viewpoint without any hint of self-righteousness.

When a sign-carrying gay man protested outside First Baptist Church (Dallas, Texas) where Tim was to speak, the man was surprised at Tim’s kind invitation to attend. Read what the man emailed Tim that evening. (Prologue) When an angry lesbian approached Tim following a speech, his tender response turned her tirade into tears. (Chapter 11)

Tim’s response to the “can’t pray the gay away” motif is eye-opening and thoroughly biblical. (Chapter 10) MORE THAN WORDS masterfully addresses the LGBTQ/mental health connection without the finger-pointing. (Chapter 8) Wilkins says the oft-repeated “God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” though true, misled him until an epiphany upon rereading Genesis. (Chapter 9)

Tim has learned some valuable lessons along the way. It’s useless to ask God what He wants you to do if you have no intention of doing it. And if you feel your hands are tied, clasp them and pray. A gay man writes, “You’re the most honest ex-gay I’ve ever heard of.” Says Tim, “Though I dislike the designation, I appreciate the compliment.”

MORE THAN WORDS  overturns much of current thinking and offers seismic paradigm shifts in the way we view homosexuality. Change is NOT the operative word. Find out what is. (Chapter 9)  A college sophomore writes, “You are showing more compassion to homosexuals than anyone I know.”

Tim is not a revisionist; he dismisses “Gay theology” without malice and writes with so much compassion you can almost feel his arm across your shoulder – using vivid metaphors, passionate storytelling, and powerful quotes.

His “Something’s Missing” may be the single best explanation as to the “why” of homosexuality. (Chapter 4) A seminary professor writes, “I wish I had had your material earlier. Your attitude conveys the very spirit of Christ.” You, your loved one, your mom and dad, your pastor, small group leader, counselor, and professor need to read MORE THAN WORDS.

Order your copy of MORE THAN WORDS

Have Tim speak at your event.


“You are showing more compassion to homosexuals than anyone I know.”
     – a college sophomore

“Your attitude…conveys the very spirit of Christ.” – a seminary professor

“Tim has the unique ability to love all people, regardless of how they identify.”
    – a music minister

“You’re the most honest ex-gay I’ve ever heard of.” – a gay-identified man

Order your copy of MORE THAN WORDS.