
About Tim Wilkins

For nearly three decades, Tim Wilkins has fought to be transparent in large part because much of his life was a secret. He has written that the word ‘vulnerability’ used to make him physically ill. Tim lived much of his early life traumatized, alone, disconnected, and paralyzed by fear – at what people might think of him, if they really knew.

“Life is full of broken hearts and broken relationships” writes Tim. He finds consolation in the truth that God can untangle the tightest knots, while confessing – with deep grief – that God is not obligated to do so on this side of eternity. Writes Tim, “There have been times I felt as if my hands were tied, which placed me in the difficult and yet enviable position to clasp them and pray.”

“Tim Wilkins’ story is one of overcoming difficulties and family dysfunction as a child, seeking and finding God’s way as a young man, enduring tremendous heartbreak and loss as an adult, and emerging with a great love for God and people. Tim’s story will challenge and inspire you. It will make you laugh; it will make you cry, and ultimately his story will bring you to the Cross. Tim’s story is a message for our time.”

A Christian author

With boundless candor and some much-needed humor, Tim addresses ‘secrets’ related to mental illness, overwhelming adversity, and human sexuality – for starters.

Tim’s approach to complex issues has garnered the attention of The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Times, Religion News Service, Baptist Press, The Christian Post, the Baltimore Sun, Catholic Reporter, Moody Broadcasting Network, and a host of other media outlets.

The primary reason for such attention is because Tim is a resolute and redemptive voice on issues surrounding the LGBTQ community and the Church – while speaking from an historic biblical perspective and as one who used to engage in homoerotic behavior.

Moreover, Tim understands to some degree the transgender movement because, for a time, he wondered if he might be trans.

Our Focal Text: “Your speech must always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” (Colossians 4:6)
Our Purpose: MORE THAN WORDS believes many persons communicate, but few connect and connecting requires MORE THAN WORDS. How we speak truth is as important as the truth we speak.

Tim has learned countless lessons along the way. “It’s useless to ask God what He wants you to do – if you have no intention of doing it.”

Tim’s transparency is likely what generated invitations to speak at a LGBTQ club at a major university – two consecutive weeks. Those whose views run counter to Tim’s listen to him because he, as one gay man writes, “…is the most honest ex-gay I have ever heard.” Though Wilkins cringes at that identifier, he appreciates the kind words.

Tim has a disarming demeanor. When a militant gay man told Tim to his face, “You are pathetic”, Tim immediately replied, “My friend, I am worse than that.”

“Tim has lived the yin and yang of life: gay/straight, ordained ministry/secular workplace, marriage/divorce, father/son, student/masterful writer. He is witty and wise, yet humble and meek as he loves the Lord. When Tim speaks, he has much to say that I need to hear.”

A bank vice president, Texas

About MORE THAN WORDS – The Conference and Book

Wilkins is the creator of the 1-day conference MORE THAN WORDS which he began teaching in the late 1990s and which has been attended by thousands of people across the United States and beyond.

MORE THAN WORDS is appropriately subtitled “Walking WITH Talking at your LGBTQ friends.” As the subtitle suggests, Tim says we need fewer talking heads and more walking feet – that is, coming alongside hurting individuals.

And now, the conference is in book form.

You won’t find MORE THAN WORDS regurgitating the same arguments some writers do. While books that argue the morality of homosexuality proliferate like kudzu, Wilkins refuses to follow suit. MORE THAN WORDS focuses like a laser on providing biblical tools for those with unwanted attractions as well as walking alongside those whose views differ from yours. In fact, he avoids the clobber passages completely. No one likes to be clobbered.

Tim addresses a college audience.

“As soon as I finished sharing about my past homosexuality to a university LGBTQ club, several students approached me. Said one young gay man, ‘You didn’t say what I was expecting.’ ‘What were you expecting?’ I asked as I shook his hand. ‘I expected you to be condescending and to use the ‘A’ word (abomination) the entire time.’ Why did he expect that of me? Because that is what he has heard from many who identify as Christian.”

About MORE THAN WORDS – New Territory

With growing momentum, MORE THAN WORDS is expanding into new territory. The axiom “Connecting often requires MORE THAN WORDS” resonates around a world that is more fragmented than a nuclear bomb. Says Tim, “Many people communicate; few connect.”

MORE THAN WORDS is where authentic connection begins. While every people group feels the pain of disconnectedness, men are more disconnected and every study proves it. Chronic loneliness. Soaring mental illness. Exploding addiction. To put it plainly, men need men.

Someone writes, “Tim has done his research. His words carry the weight of one who has lived a lot of life, helped others live theirs, and studied hard to become more than an expert in his field; he is a model to be followed.”

Tim addresses a host of issues:

  • Culture
  • Human sexuality
  • The Church
  • Human suffering
  • Human behavior
Tim speaks to a congregation in Hong Kong.
Tim (right) with noted cultural commentator Bill Maher (left).

About Inviting Tim

Tim can articulate a conservative biblical viewpoint with clarity and compassion. International in scope, Wilkins has spoken in Great Britain, Ukraine, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong.

Tim was a breakout speaker at Amsterdam 2000 – a global event of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He has been interviewed by Bill Maher, appeared on radio and TV and written for numerous media including Preaching Magazine, The Christian Post, Baptist Press.

His articles have been translated into Spanish, German, French, and Italian.

Tim connects with every demographic – men and women, gay and straight, trans and otherwise, young and old.

“You are showing more compassion to homosexuals than anyone I know.”

A college sophomore, Georgia

“It takes courage to get up before 3,000 students and faculty at a conservative evangelical university and share your testimony.”

A university student, Ohio

“Your attitude is one that conveys the very spirit of Christ.”

A seminary professor of pastoral ministries.

“Tim has the unique ability to love all people, regardless of how they identify.”

Musician and painter, North Carolina

When considering a seasoned speaker for your upcoming event, a thoughtful guest for your next interview or a compassionate voice for a conference, consider Tim Wilkins.

Tim is the father of three adult daughters and was, for almost twenty-five years, married to the “one whom my soul loves.” (Song of Solomon 3:1)

Tim speaks to an interdenominational congregation.