What a MORE THAN WORDS Conference Looks Like
Tim Wilkins speaks and writes from a historical biblical perspective and as one who used to engage in homosexuality.
Schedule: The typical conference is a 1-day event on a Saturday. However, it can run from a Friday evening through Saturday afternoon, or on a weekday. We can tailor the conference to meet your particular needs.
Attendees: We can conduct MORE THAN WORDS for specific groups of persons – a local church, area pastors and church staff, college faculty, or a denominational gathering.
Venues: Mr. Wilkins has spoken in venues alongside persons from opposing positions – on college campuses, TV, and conferences. His warm and gracious demeanor communicates a genuine sincerity to all persons.
The schedule and outline below are examples of a conference. Actual topics and schedule may vary.
After ending my last gay relationship, I began asking God, “What do you want to do?” Eventually I sensed His answer, “Go to that college in the western part of the state.”“God,” I said, “I can’t commute four hours a day!”
“I didn’t say anything about commuting,” He replied.
“What??!!” I exclaimed, “Are you suggesting I live on campus? In a dorm? Of men?”
“Tim” He replied, “I never make suggestions. I give directives and you have the choice to obey or disobey.”
“But God,” I roared, “don’t You know – I’m attracted to men?”
“Of course, I know,” God said. “I know everything.”
I came to the point where I had to do one of two things – either stop asking God what He wanted me to do or surrender and “return to college – the one in the western part of the state.”
God did not let up and I returned to that college – “the one in the western part of the state”, where for four long years, I – HAD – A – BLAST and grew “in favor with God and MEN.” (Luke 2:52)

Example Schedule
Doors open (8AM)
Introduction (8:45AM)
Morning Session Part 1 (9:00AM – 10:30AM)
- “In The Beginning, God”
- “You Do Not Know The Scriptures Or The Power Of God.”
- “Inclusion” Acknowledges Those With Unwanted Attractions
- Is The Church Outsourcing God’s Work?
- “I’m All Alone In The World”
- Sprinting Not Allowed
- Something For Everyone:
- Parental Pain: “Why Can’t I Tell You?”
- Counselors
- Professors
- Pastors On All Sides Of The Issue
Morning Break (10:30AM – 10:45AM)
Morning Session Part 2 (10:45AM – 12:15PM)
- Ceasefire: A Clobber-Free Zone
- The Phenomenon Of “Self-Silencing”
- Mutual Respect: Learning To Speak “Kindness”
- Me? Trans?
- Making Matters Worse
- Why “Adam And Steve” Is Neither Funny Nor Helpful
- Rethinking Homosexuality: Paradigm Shifts
- The Understandable Failure Of “Conversion Therapy”
- A Misnomer Of Biblical Proportions
- Why “Change” Leads Us In The Wrong Direction
- Misreading Pain
- The Fallacy Of “Converting Gays To Heterosexuality”
Lunch On Your Own (12:15PM – 12:45PM)
Afternoon Session Part 3 (12:45PM – 2:15PM)
- Temperament, Environment, And The Perfect Storm
- Failure To Connect
- Something’s Missing
- Obliterating The “Choice” Argument
- Understanding The Doctrine Of Temptation
Afternoon Break (2:15PM – 2:30PM)
Afternoon Session Part 4 (2:30PM – 4PM)
- Jesus Christ: Our High Priest
- Employing The Right Tools The Right Way: “If I Had A Hammer”
- Why “Praying The Gay Away” Misses The Point
- Belonging: Christian Community
- Getting Medical Help For Mental Health
- Outrageous Obedience
- Touch: Deprivation, Benefits, And Examples Q&A
If you are interested in hosting a MORE THAN WORDS conference, complete this form.
“I went to see my first biblical counselor at age eighteen – mortified. It took me 40 minutes to utter four words.
“I am”
“I am a”
Just before the appointment ended, I managed to say what, for forty minutes, I was trying not to say.
“I am a homosexual.”
There, I finally said it. My heart didn’t stop; I didn’t faint or throw up. But I could have been more precise. I should’ve said, “I have unwanted same-sex attractions.”