
“My husband and I attended the conference where you spoke. I was nodding my head almost constantly because everything you said made sense.”

A mother of a same-sex attracted son, Pennsylvania

“The cultural landscape has shifted, but that shift has not neutralized the unwanted attractions of millions of people. Such men and women did not cancel their counseling appointments. They didn’t stop reading stories of those who have found freedom. They did not cease exploring the Bible for answers and pounding on heaven’s door for help. Similarly, families and friends of LGBTQ individuals – who hold a traditional view of Scripture – did not shrug their shoulders and resign themselves and their loved ones to unwanted attractions.”

“It was good to hear you speak; my wife said it best — ‘dynamic’. I believe people heard undiluted truth. Thanks for being bold and unashamed of what God has done for you.”

A father of a gay teenager, North Carolina

“I’m so thankful I attended your conference at our church. And thanks for talking with me about my son. You may recall I asked how I should respond to my son’s “partner”. You told me to pray for him rather than despise him; you said both of them need Christ. I have taken your advice and it has been a strong witness to my son.”

A mother, South Carolina

“Thank you for the recent conference in our area. I thought it was excellent! Would that I could have attended such a conference 50 years earlier.”

A father of an adult gay son, Florida

“We invited our (lesbian) daughter to hear you speak and she reluctantly agreed. Begrudgingly, she sat next to us, her arms folded, frown on her face and jaw clenched. As you spoke of Christ’s power in your life, she listened intently. At the close, our weeping daughter was the first to bolt out of the pew and up front. God bless you!”

A mother, North Carolina

“It takes courage to get up before 3,000 students and faculty at a conservative evangelical university and share your testimony.”

A university student, Ohio

“You are showing more compassion to homosexuals than anyone I know.”

A college sophomore, Georgia

“An awakening has taken place in me and you have played a part. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

A young man with unwanted same-sex attractions, Canada

“Thank you for your witness. I’m a three-year-old Christian walking with Christ daily to leave homosexuality. It has not been easy considering the twenty years I have spent in four different relationships. I’m never tired of hearing another struggler’s witness; your story had the tears flowing. In my loneliness God has filled my despair with hope.”

An adult man, Arizona

“You probably remember me from the conference — I’m African American and have same-sex attractions. I’m writing to let you know I gave my life to Jesus; I now practice obedience to the Lord and left my lifestyle behind.”

A new Christian, Florida

“What a joy to meet you. Upon my return home, I spoke with our son, who 11 years ago would never have considered reading ex-gay literature. He read your story and could relate. The love you have for souls stands out very plainly in your speaking.”

A mother, Ohio

“My parents shared your literature with me over the past two years. From what I read, the message seemed to be that I could be “turned straight”. This was confusing and the word “brainwashed” kept coming to mind. My views have changed now and I see more clearly what your ministry is doing — that it encourages more becoming a follower of Christ than becoming heterosexual and I think that message should be in BOLD letters on the front page of every newsletter. I have ceased all homosexual activity. And if it is God’s plan that I develop opposite-sex attractions, then God will reveal that to me in time.”

A young man, Oklahoma

“Tim Wilkins is a knowledgeable and experienced minister and counselor to those who have been emotionally wounded by other people’s lack of understanding.”

A man with gender dysphoria, North Carolina

“Tim has done his research. His words carry the weight of one who has lived a lot of life, helped others live theirs, and studied hard to become more than an expert in his field; he is a model to be followed. His words are backed by a life well lived. He is a living testimony of what it means to connect with MORE THAN WORDS.

A Christian author, Illinois

“Tim is fully acquainted with pain. Yet, even in the midst of his pain, he’ll help you navigate yours. Allow Tim to walk with you through your hurt to the God who heals, and you will reach a place of gratitude.”

A fellow traveler, North Carolina

“Tim has the unique ability to love all people, regardless of how they identify.”

Musician and painter, North Carolina

“Tim was one of the first to encourage Southern Baptists to establish a more visible ministry to those impacted by same-sex struggles. He has consistently demonstrated a heart for strugglers and has a wealth of knowledge in this area.”

A retired pastor, Texas

“Tim has lived the yin and yang of life: gay/straight, ordained ministry/secular workplace, marriage/divorce, father/son, student/masterful writer. He is witty and wise, yet humble and meek as he loves the Lord. When Tim speaks, he has much to say that I need to hear.”

A bank vice president, Texas

“Tim Wilkins’ story is one of overcoming difficulties and family dysfunction as a child, seeking and finding God’s way as a young man, enduring tremendous heartbreak and loss as an adult, and emerging with a great love for God and people. Tim’s story will challenge and inspire you.  It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and ultimately his story will bring you to the Cross. Tim’s story is a message for our time.”

John Shipway, author of The Only Way Out Is Through

“Your writings are a blessing to me.  Your attitude is one that conveys the very spirit of Christ. You are surely letting your light shine that others may glorify our Father in heaven.

In addition to serving as Professor of Pastoral Ministries, I have also been a pastor for over 50 years. I wish that I had had your material earlier. It would have helped in my messages that related to the Scriptures that treat the issue of homosexuality, particularly how we are to relate to them with the spirit of Christ.”

A retired seminary Professor of Pastoral Ministries Emeritus, North Carolina

“Tim Wilkins is a living example of what it means to speak truth in love. His hardships, fascination for the Word of God, genuine love for people, and knowledge and experience have equipped him with the empathy to reach anyone who does not feel seen or heard.”

A supporter